GOVERNMENT: UN Socialist Solar Empire
TYPE: Interstellar Astro-LST/Frigate (Landing Ship Transport)
MODEL: Triumph class SDDG-73 (Ironclad Mark-II)
LENGTH: 571.5 feet (174 meters)
WIDTH: 71.4 feet (21.8 meters)
HEIGHT: 71.4 feet (21.8 meters)
MATERIAL: Crystal Composite
POWER PLANT: Hensai Energy HEFR-26K fusion reactor
OUTPUT: 26,000 megawatts
ARMOR TYPE: Crystal Composite
CREW: 92 (7 Operators, 32 Gunners, 8 Officers, 7 Engineers, 7 Technicians, 7 Electricians, 4 Medical, plus 20 tank pilots.)

             1x Pallas Research PRID-T2-800 Type-2-Mark-II intersection drive unit
             SPEED: .2175 light years per hour maximum warp

             SUBLIGHT DRIVE::
             4x Eurospace HYIE-3250 high yield ion engines
             SPEED: 38,000 mph each (152,000 mph total)


             PRIMARY (OFFENSIVE):
             4x Lithgear LG-PC-2002 dual 200-megawatt PHELAC turrets; Effective Range: 1600 miles; Payload: unlimited with nuclear battery clutch recharged from the vessel's main reactor; ROF: up to 9 dual blasts per minute in cycles of 1 twin blast per 6.7 seconds.

             8x Lithgear LG-CML-5000 cruise missile launcher; Missile Type: UN-SRT-5000 short-range 5000-pound computer-guided cruise missile/space torpedo (597.5 kiloton nuclear warhead); Effective Range: 35.1 miles; Payload: 2 cruise missiles each in a forward facing retractable missile silo; ROF: 1 torpedo each.   

              1x Microwave Radio Communications array with a 1000 AU range.
              1x Super Luminal Velocity Communications Suite with a range of 1 light year.
              1x LADAR array with a range of 220,000 miles.
              1x Passive EMS array with a range of 1,000,000 miles.
              1x Active EMS array with a range of 100,000 miles.
              1x Super Luminal Velocity Sensor Suite with a range of 1 parsec (3.26 light years).
              1x Gravitational/Antigravity Control Unit; Effect: Provides artificial lift, g-force compensation, and enhanced maneuverability.

             6x Cydonia Research CR-DF-1000 omnidirectional LEVEL-1 Gravitonic deflector field generator; Range: 1000 feet from hull; Power Requirement: 1000 megawatts each; Output: 180 terajoules with a regeneration of 18 terajoules every ten seconds.

             1x 1600-yd3ground-assault hangar that holds up to twenty Type-73 mobile arthropod tanks.

             The SDDG-73 Triumph class space frigate was initially conceived of as a landing ship/tank transport for the UNSC.  The new frigate did serve in this capacity during “Operation Blitzkrieg” and other operations during the 1st Interplanetary War.  The hangar of the vessel was specifically designed for the Type-73 mobile arthropod tanks that were in common use by the Solar Empire during the later half of the war.  The Triumph class used four retractable landing skids to support its weight on the ground for takeoffs and landings during planetary operations.  This feature provided UNSC commanders with a very versatile warship they could use to deploy ground forces quickly onto the various planetoids within the inner sphere of the Solar System.  This usefulness was proven during the UNSC assault on Ceres and Earth’s moon, Luna, during “Operation Blitzkrieg.”
           After the invasion of the Earth sphere was completed, the Triumph class was used as a destroyer-leader for escort squadrons of three destroyer-class vessels (usually 2 Conqueror class missile destroyers and one Triumph class).  In this capacity, the Triumph was equally well suited and performed its mission admirably.
             The Triumph class used one Hensai Energy HEFR-26K, twenty-six thousand megawatt fusion reactor as its main power supply. This power source was more than adequate to power the interstellar-spacecraft.
             The Faster-Than-Light engine of the Triumph class was one Pallas Research PRID-T2-800 Type-2-MKII Intersection Drive engine capable of warping-space enough to allow the ship to travel at .2175 light years per hour. This Type-2-Mark-II engine was configured in the “Dr. Xuric” style of Full-Hull-Length warp field generation, or FHLwg, which placed the main mega-yield graviton generators in forward projection emitters near the front of the craft (3/4ths of the way stern-ward from the aft of the ship). It was believed that this arrangement would create a more stabilized warp field around the ship and thus better protect the engine from mishap.
             The sublight propulsion of these vessel consists of four Eurospace HYIE-3250 high yield ion engines. Each of these engines produced enough thrust to propel the ship at 38,000 mph (MACH 50). Combined, the high yield ion engines have a speed of 152,000 thousand miles per hour (MACH 200). These engines were adequate for movement within a planetary sphere, and the asteroid belt.
             The primary weapons of the Triumph class were four Lithgear LG-PC-2002 PHELAC turrets. These dual two-hundred megawatt PHELACs were identical to the turrets found on the Borodino class battlecruiser of the first generation of Ironclad warships and were manufactured at the same facilities as those of the Borodino class. These four turrets were quite powerful for a warship the size of the Triumph class and provided the small frigate with considerable anti-Capital ship firepower.
             Initially the Triumph class was fitted with eight Lithgear LG-CMS-5000 cruise missile launchers. However, the designers of the Triumph chose to add a newly designed LG-CMS-50002 dual cruise missile launching system to increase the ship's offensive capability. Both types of launchers fired the UN-SRT-5000 short range cruise missile. These launchers were intended for use against planetary targets, like the planetoid fortress of Juno, and other hardened EFSN facilities. However, the insertion of the Prodono alien warships by the Zhukovists into their forces caused the UNSC to rethink the use of these cruise missiles as more of an anti-alien warship weapon than that of a “planet-buster.”
             The defense systems of the Triumph class were six of the standard Cydonia Research CR-DF-1000 Deflector Field Generators that became common on all of the Mark-2 Ironclad warships of the UN Solar Empire space navy.
             The Triumph class of space frigate was produced by the Solar Empire throughout the later half of the 1st Interplanetary war, and then by Colonial Confederacy as a transport ship for their MATs until the end of the Ceres Conflict.