Rau Le Creuset had the excuse of Cloning Blues, sort of.
Murata Azrael, on the other hand...
Type: Posts; User: azul120
Rau Le Creuset had the excuse of Cloning Blues, sort of.
Murata Azrael, on the other hand...
Charles was pretty bad, but V. V. was the really evil one.
Thanks for the input. Been a little busy in the meantime.
Anyways, guess I should have known this might happen:
ETA: Nevermind, just split it between three parts.
Haha, that too.
What's sad is that they failed to make her sympathetic. She made no effort to identify with Lelouch's plight in canon, or reflect where she went wrong. In fanfics I've seen her...
High Collar of DOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though of course, Cornelia didn't deserve it really after what she'd done and never atoned for.
That some people will argue that Guilford was her reward for what she'd been through, while Lelouch...
I agree that he was a patriot. Just not necessarily a samaritan, as some people seem to paint him, and that Lelouch geassing him was a Kick the Dog moment, even though it was out of necessity.
I see.
Chiba, from that one moment, seemed rueful over what happened, though it wasn't clear she was regretting it.
BTW, what do you think of Guilford? He gets a lot of sympathy, even though he...
In your story, Tohdoh seemed a little more jaded and stubborn, to the point that he put Japan first.
And at the very least Lelouch tended to have a sense of remorse when he knew he screwed up. Euphie? Never lived it down, and took full responsibility for it, rather than use the excuse that...
Heh heh heh.
More to the point, the metaphor I was driving at was basically Leno bumping Conan from the Tonight Show, which I thought paralleled, to a frightening degree, Ohgi's responsibility for...
You mean about a character who, in the midst of a rebellion, seeks a better life, even though she's on the side of the oppressors, and will go through almost any means necessary? I can definitely see...
Well, not diabolical so much as selfish and deceptive. I too didn't pay her as much mind until I had a little more time to view the chain of events in retrospect. Still, I remember she already got...
The new series takes place circa the Black Rebellion.
BTW Kodai, I remembered you didn't initially see the reasons for the Ohgi/Villetta hate via one of your earlier posts on...
Always sounded like they cribbed "Just One Fix" by Ministry here.
How big is your proverbial backlog then? :P
BTW, been thinking about writing a letter to Okouchi and Tanaguchi about my two cents on the final stretch of Code Geass. What say you on the matter?
BTW, in the Alpha and the Omega, are the other characters going to learn that Lelouch lost his Code, and then possibly chew him out for being reckless?
Thanks. Any advice though? It's a rough draft. Most of the blocking isn't there, and I haven't decided upon the setting. I didn't know what dialogue to give Ohgi and Villetta, either.
I just don't...
Villetta: So why is it that you wanted to see me, Zero?
Suzaku, as Zero: I was thinking about something. People have always chased after happiness. Sometimes, at the expense of other people.
Hope it's coming along well.
Just realized Goro Taniguchi did the storyboard for the latest episode of the new Yugioh series.
Going from obtuse sociopolitical sci-fi to "children's card games"....
Yeah, precisely.
In other news, I filed Ohgi under the Fallen subcategory of the Pantheon as God of Love Induced Stupidity.
Well keep at it. We can wait.
I've been totally spoiled by various fanfics, my own observations, and my resulting expectations so much that I cannot look back at the original without any sort of...
Haha. Studied rising and falling action this past semester in acting.
Thanks for the update.
BTW, how come Lelouch is still getting overconfident in combat? Is it his code or something? Or just that he's still a bit of a novice?
Caught in a debate over at...