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  1. What pray-tell is an Americanist-Liberal?

    An Americanist-Liberal is someone who has disdain of being constantly bombarded with the labels ”Conservative” and “Liberal” within the mainstream media, academia, and other common sources of information who use these terms without clear definition of what they are.
    Most often then not the terms are thrown around the media-talk circuit on shows like those found on FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. without regard for their actual meaning.
    Put in their simplest terms a Conservative ...
  2. Who Was John Campbell?

    That's a good question...I hope this short article will answer it for most people.
    To better understand the concept of Campbellian science fiction, one must understand who John Campbell was and how he viewed the genre of Sci-Fi.
    John Woods Campbell Jr. began his career in Sci-Fi writing as a young student attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1930 with two stories published in the pulp fanzine of the day Amazing. Oddly enough, his first short story appeared in ...
  3. Understand this....

    I will NOT ALLOW registered users to blog without MY permission from this point onward.
    I've had too many spammers here.

    Those of you who want to blog here must first get MY permission.
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