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An Americanist-Liberal is someone who has disdain of being constantly bombarded with the labels ”Conservative” and “Liberal” within the mainstream media, academia, and other common sources of information who use these terms without clear definition of what they are. Most often then not the terms are thrown around the media-talk circuit on shows like those found on FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. without regard for their actual meaning. Put in their simplest terms a Conservative ...
Updated 07-31-2011 at 06:07 AM by Proud Proletarian
Imagine if you will a parallel universe, within the multiverse, that is much like our own. With similar laws of physics, evolution, and cosmological development, but with one significant difference: the presence of trace amounts of raw multiversal energies. Energies that constitute the DNA of universes. Raw power that can be used to fold the fabric ...
Updated 10-19-2011 at 07:00 PM by Kodai Okuda
INTRODUCTION Within the world of Nexus Arcana there are numerous types of armaments. Among these are a family of electromagnetic mass drivers collectively called Gauss Weapons. Gauss weapons, named after Carl Friederich Gauss, generally came in two types during late 20th and early 21st Centuries. Coilguns, and railguns were the two different approaches to the electromagnetically propelled projectile concepts. This pair of mass driver techniques were rather straightforward ...
Updated 10-21-2011 at 07:21 AM by Kodai Okuda
General History prior to 2048 AD Economic and political instabilities that had begun in the late 20th Century were carried over into the early 21st. Food and energy shortages caused a vast divide between the wealthy few and the destitute masses all over the earth. This disparity in the standard of living for the average human caused the proletariat and remnant bourgeoisie to revolt against the aristocratic international corporate-banking class and their armies. This rebellion flared ...