View Full Version : Code Geass discussion Thread
Kodai Okuda
09-09-2010, 02:54 AM
Please post your comments, questions, and/or feel free to discuss the fanfiction Dirge of Daedalus here on this thread.
Thank you
09-10-2010, 03:10 AM
Please direct any editing mistakes or comments to the copy editor of Dirge of Daedalus (LadyWarrior). I am using MAHQ for spellings of KnightMare Frames, etc. and the R2 guidebook for the spellings of character names.
Thank you
Kodai Okuda
09-14-2010, 03:48 PM
I've got a question for any readers of Dirge of Daedalus.
Why the heck do some people (not many thankfully) have such a problem with Enoch?
Are these simply die-hard Lelouch fanboys/girls who dislike the idea of forcing Lelouch to learn how to be a hero under someone with more experience?
TVtropes has one of these Uber-critics in their listing for this fic.
Right Here. (
As an author, I find the term "Marty Stu/Mary Stu" to be quite offensive considering that this is only the 1st story of three.
There's no way in hell Lelouch can take on Nemo, nor any other character except Enoch as these two are mortal enemies.
Thus I find it aggravating that would-be-critics use this term in any fashion.
I'm familiar with the actual Mary Stu story and it was very annyoying.
The problem is this term is now being used as a cudgel against writers who would write stories in the classical style (with heros akin to Jason, Heracles, Odyessyus, Gideon, Thor, King Arthur, etc.).
Fortunately for my readers, I'm a really stubborn sod who doesn't let these things stop me from writing what I damn well please.
However, I know writers who will not publish their work simply because of this stigma of the Marty/Mary Stu.
That's bad for the literary world of fiction.
I have news for these critics, mankind is NOT the greatest being out there.
We are a weak race, both physically and morally.
I find it inspiring to read about beings that embody the ideal virtues and vices (in the case of villians) that we humans both aspire to and fear.
That's what Enoch and Nemo represent in totality.
Enoch represents virtue: how we should act even when we don't want to.
Nemo represents vice: how we should never act, especially when we want to.
Thus to all the critics that abuse the "Marty/Mary Stu" term, let me take this time to say FUCK YOU and your damn critique. :biggrin:
To all the aspiring writers who fear this label, I encourage you to ignore this stigma and write what you want.
You may find that the majority of people will like what you write, so long as its a good story.
Kodai Okuda
09-15-2010, 03:16 AM
Discuss away. :)
Prime Administrator
09-15-2010, 06:53 AM
Wow, I'm kinda surprised no one has posted here yet.
I don't bite ya know and I'm not a bannaholic.
Constructive critique is not only encouraged here, it's welcome.
09-23-2010, 01:19 AM
Love the alpha and omega series.How long will it be?please dont tell me u will end it with only 13 chapters T_T its just so incredible!!!This is the best code geass fanfic i ever read!!!Oh,and you should read Code Geass r3 Zero's Requiem on Adult Swim its not that long and has lots of spam,ended long time ago too,but its still pretty good!And on ur free time, mind try drawing this cool idea i got on ur free time?its this Knightmare, it has these wing-like back connections,with feathers n stuff,and the feathers can detatch from the wing and used as a thing to block attacks,or attached with both close-quarters and ranged weapons.Transforms into a bird-like plane,beak of plane can fire a heavy laser,along with other stuffs.....OOH,u should call it the Pheonix!(Sorry if this is time-consuming or annoying,but i just wanted to talk out a idea)I might make my own thread,bu tim too lazy T_T Swim i was anime2754
09-23-2010, 01:31 AM
OOps,wrong post place.I messed up T_T sorry,its supposed to be in ur alpha&omega post
09-23-2010, 03:21 AM
Rereading ch. 15, there's one issue that really hit me: Kallen is flanderized here in her hot-blooded tsundereness down to pseudo-jerk sue levels. While Lelouch can be very prideful, I thought she was overreacting, and that Lelouch was just being straightforward there. Besides, there weren't really any moments like that between them when he was leading her. Infact, for her, Lelouch as Zero was what helped keep up her morale, and the one person she would die for.
09-23-2010, 04:49 AM
Love the alpha and omega series.How long will it be?please dont tell me u will end it with only 13 chapters T_T its just so incredible!!!This is the best code geass fanfic i ever read!!!Oh,and you should read Code Geass r3 Zero's Requiem on Adult Swim its not that long and has lots of spam,ended long time ago too,but its still pretty good!And on ur free time, mind try drawing this cool idea i got on ur free time?its this Knightmare, it has these wing-like back connections,with feathers n stuff,and the feathers can detatch from the wing and used as a thing to block attacks,or attached with both close-quarters and ranged weapons.Transforms into a bird-like plane,beak of plane can fire a heavy laser,along with other stuffs.....OOH,u should call it the Pheonix!(Sorry if this is time-consuming or annoying,but i just wanted to talk out a idea)I might make my own thread,bu tim too lazy T_T Swim i was anime2754
P.S. no.2 Wrong place.Accidently put it in 1st season thread so re-posting. Wow,i gotta stop, admin should be glad that Kodai is here and attracttin old fans.
Kodai Okuda
09-23-2010, 06:41 AM
I suppose that's true.
I did intentionally flanderize her (using the Trope meaning) due to the Kalulu effect. :biggrin:
Kallen was expressing the whole fanboy/girl KallenxLelouch obsession that I've personally encountered online, which is why at the end of that sequence Kallen goes through the litany of "conspiracy theories" about Lelouch being alive.
It's a shout-out to fans in many ways.
She's hot-blooded in the series without a doubt, especially if you count how many times (and on who) she unsheathes the knife she carries in her purse at Ashford.
Kallen is certainly overreacting (and I'm happy you thought so because that was the intended effect) because of her own pent up frustration and obsession with Lelouch.
Imagine if she actually did hear rumors of him being alive, and with CC no less.
Kallen would be furious about it if it started to look like it might be true (not to the extent that I made her angry, but again there was a reason for that).
Thus Kallen begins a slow and painful process of growing up from having the emotions of a young teenage girl obessed with the "Bad Boy" to a more mature woman that is looking for the "Right Guy."
I planned this story out from the very begining.
It certainly has its flaws and mistakes, but overall it is working out the way I intended and the feedback I'm getting is better than I ever hoped for.
Thank you for reading.
And to both you azul120, and CodeGeassAddict, welcome to the forum. :)
Kodai Okuda
09-23-2010, 06:46 AM
Don't worry about the posting.
The forum will live. :biggrin:
I'm happy you like the first chapter.
The second chapter is nearly finished (be up by Friday or Saturday at the latest).
I wish I had the time to draw (for anything) right now, but if I get caught up here on the forum and with my RL chores I might give your idea a whack.
Anyhoo, feel free to post your Code Geass R3 Zero Requiem here if you like, or any other fanfiction that you may feel like posting.
09-24-2010, 01:36 AM
tyvery much.I think im goign to try making a thread myself now...
Prime Administrator
09-24-2010, 05:14 AM
I have merged the Code Geass fanfiction discussion threads into one so that users can discuss CodeGeassAddict's new fanfiction here in this thread rather than spam up his fanfiction thread.
And BTW CodeGeassAddict, I read your first chapter and liked it very much. :)
I look forward to reading your next chapter.
-Prime Administrator
09-24-2010, 08:11 AM
Lelouch is more the troubled, "oblivious to love because he's been too busy with changing the world" type rather than the straight bad boy type. Which made them more a dual tsundere pairing, a la IchiRukia from Bleach, rather than your typical Takahashi pairing. Heck, before things went south as they did in the show's trademark It Got Worse fashion, he wished to return with her to Ashford.
Kodai Okuda
09-25-2010, 04:51 AM
I don't remember Lelouch telling Kallen he wanted to return with her to Ashford.
I thought he said he wanted to return with all of them...shoot off the fireworks and so forth.
Anyway, Kallen is very hot-headed in S1.
R2 is such a trainwreck that its hard to pin down her personality.
One minute she's angsty about the war against Britannia, the next she's moody about Lelouch, the next she's a firebrand that melts Luciano into molten slag.
That's the writers' fault to be sure, but it still makes for a very hard character to get a feel for.
It's been my observation that fans of Kallen have certainly built her up far beyond what the anime supports.
I'm not sure why?
I don't see her as very attractive from a personality standpoint.
She's too pushy, argumentative, and angry to make for a decent girlfriend let alone a wife.
She's a fine Devicer, that's no doubt, but she reminds me of women I've met in the military...some guys might like that kind of person, but not me.
It clashes with who I am too much, and I think that Lelouch's ego (which is strong willed like mine) would have destroyed their relationship if he had lived.
Two strong alpha types do not mix well in relationships.
I know that from personal experience.
09-25-2010, 08:13 PM
Thank you again.My "chapters" are more like small parts,they are just short stories,but i like that you enjoy them.
09-27-2010, 10:56 PM
In a way, yes. But I think Kallen, like Lelouch, was tempermental largely because of the injustice of Britannia. Kallen herself got at least a couple of moments as to what she would be like otherwise, namely that moment in R2 10, later on when she was talking with Nunnally while being held captive, and when she was consoling Lelouch in R2 19 right before the betrayal occurred. I think her biggest issue is that she's a Domon Kasshu-grade hothead, which I will agree causes her to make some rash decisions. It didn't help either that unlike Lelouch, she didn't end up in any Moe Couplets.
I disagree, however, that her attacking Britannians with extreme rage constituted an attitude problem. Even a mostly sweet Type B Tsundere will have their moments, and besides, it's hard to fault anyone for wanting to go on a hot blooded rampage of revenge on a militia defined by injustice and arrogance. (Heck, it's part of why characters like her, and of course, Domon Kasshu, are so entertaining to watch as they rip their enemies a new one.) I mean, the Apologetic Attacker approach would never fly, since many of her enemies just plain deserve it. Especially Luciano Bradley, who had just threatened to rape and murder her while she was still being held captive, for goodness sakes, and was going to town on Zero when she finally arrived. (And that's to say nothing of Bradley's other monstrous qualities.)
Kodai Okuda
09-28-2010, 01:01 AM
In a way, yes. But I think Kallen, like Lelouch, was tempermental largely because of the injustice of Britannia. Kallen herself got at least a couple of moments as to what she would be like otherwise, namely that moment in R2 10, later on when she was talking with Nunnally while being held captive, and when she was consoling Lelouch in R2 19 right before the betrayal occurred. I think her biggest issue is that she's a Domon Kasshu-grade hothead, which I will agree causes her to make some rash decisions. It didn't help either that unlike Lelouch, she didn't end up in any Moe Couplets.
In retrospect, I must confess I agree with you to a certain extent.
The horrors that Britannia put upon the Japanese people would certainly make a person of her character justified in their anger towards the oppressive state.
I agree that she needed a Moe Couplet (and definitely not Gino, I've changed my mind on that for good).
This is why I am in agreement with Rai (Arbitres) that the Lost Colors character Rai would have made a good pairing for Kallen.
He's not like Lelouch in that he's not weighed down by a Morality Pet, yet he is very much like Lelouch in his temperment and abilities.
It didn't help Kallen that Lelouch had a Morality Pet which I think is what interfered with Lelouch's ability to have a girlfriend, period (although I'm not so sure Okouchi meant for the story to be that way).
Kallen reminds me of an older Asuka Langley from NGE.
Since Taniguichi admitted that Geass was loosely inspired by NGE, it is possible that Kallen owes some of her character traits to Asuka.
I disagree, however, that her attacking Britannians with extreme rage constituted an attitude problem. Even a mostly sweet Type B Tsundere will have their moments, and besides, it's hard to fault anyone for wanting to go on a hot blooded rampage of revenge on a militia defined by injustice and arrogance. (Heck, it's part of why characters like her, and of course, Domon Kasshu, are so entertaining to watch as they rip their enemies a new one.) I mean, the Apologetic Attacker approach would never fly, since many of her enemies just plain deserve it. Especially Luciano Bradley, who had just threatened to rape and murder her while she was still being held captive, for goodness sakes, and was going to town on Zero when she finally arrived. (And that's to say nothing of Bradley's other monstrous qualities.)
I love it when you disagree. :biggrin:
Because you have this way of enlightening me on what I get wrong some of the time.
This time I do agree with you.
Again upon a second look I can see her reasons for being angry although in S1 she is portrayed as ready to kill any Britannian at any moment she needs to, which is understandable considering what Britannia would do to her if they knew she was a terrorist.
I agree that an Apologetic Attacker would have totally ruined Kallen as a character.
I like her from the standpoint of being a rebel with a cause that's fighting insurmountable odds.
What I don't like is this push to pair her with Lelouch.
I suppose it's because Kallen fell in love with the idea of Zero, not who or what Lelouch actually was, and R2 was so badly executed from a story standpoint that it's hard to see a reasonable relationship developing between them.
Her comforting Lelouch was no different then when CC did so after Lelouch killed Euphie.
Now, that's not to say one couldn't have developed, but due to the timeslot change and thus changes in the storyline, nothing substantial was established between them.
Only Shirley had any real romantic development with Lelouch in R2.
C.C. had about as much as Kallen did in R2 as well, with the unfinished business of her wish sort of flying out the window to usher in the Zero Requiem.
To me that's a pity because a love triangle between them would have made a nice shout-out to the older style of anime writing.
But the story is at it is, and our poor boy Lelouch perished a virgin with no Official Couple at the end because Taniguichi wanted us to "decide for ourselves."
Gotta hand it to him though, that has kept Geass fans debating (well more like bitching :laugh:) about this show for over a year after it ended.
Prime Administrator
09-28-2010, 04:12 AM
Thank you again.My "chapters" are more like small parts,they are just short stories,but i like that you enjoy them.
Don't sweat it.
I'm a write-aholic! :biggrin:
Love your set up in the second chapter, the end with Kallen putting a knife to Cloud and Cloud in turn pulling a gun on her is definitely a Code Geass moment.
Your story is already got me captivated.
Can't wait for the third installment! :)
10-03-2010, 05:47 AM
Ngh.My story isnt going so well-its short so i planned updating it daily,but im being piled over with homework....NINE essays in one week!Anyways, in a completely different thing,you should raise standards.Nine posts and im a member! By the way love your story Kodai.did you recive my friend request?and BTW,whens the third story coming out?
10-03-2010, 08:03 PM
Don't apologize, CodeGeassAddict, especially since schoolwork is more important. I have so much stuff to do also that it's no big deal. At least I can keep up with it. I like your story, you jump right into the action!:biggrin:
10-05-2010, 02:06 AM
Thank you.Currently,Raika is having a combonation of Justice Gundam(Gundam Seed),Impulse's anti-ship swords(Seed Destiny),and the Guren,only with a lance instead of the arm.
4th genertion units are tougher than 16th genertions btw-cause the types are different.Support ships hold the MS's,and otherships are combat-use.
Prime Administrator
10-05-2010, 03:30 AM
I just finished both chapters 4 and 5.
Excellent as always CodeGeassAddict.
I like the idea of combining Gundam style mobile suits in the Code Geass world.
If I'm not mistaken the KnightMares are also called mobile suits in Nightmare of Nunnally?
I could be wrong on that one.
Hey, if you're looking for inspirational art for your story, check out these two places.
Light House Mechanics (zenseava is the friggin best of the best for space warships). (
Gears Online Five Star Stories entry (Nagano Mamoru is king of mobile suit design IMHO). (
Keep up the great work.
I look forward to your next chapter. :)
10-06-2010, 12:52 AM
Now that I have finished copyediting Dirge of Daedalus, I would like to post my thoughts on the fan fiction story.
There were a lot of witty remarks and moments between all of the characters which made it very fun to read (and I read it twice).
Some highlights...
* I liked that you didn't overuse the Geass power with any of the characters and how the "bad guys" used it more often than Lelouch did. I thought that was a nice touch since in the anime series, Lelouch's use of his Geass power was a little ridiculous. I realize he was portrayed as brilliant and a master of chess (and therefore, strategy), but it did get a bit convoluted...Wyle E. Lelouch, Suuuper Genius!
* I loved the honor portrayed between Akira and Jason - very cool.
* Well done with Lloyd and Rakshata. Always trying to outdo each other and with Lloyd being obsessed with his machines and totally oblivious to the fact that his behavior is extremely rude when dealing with actual human beings.
* You made Kallen a much cooler character than in the anime. She was too loud and obnoxious, but I did like that she was an ace pilot/warrior in both the anime and your story. It makes sense though since she is older in your story and therefore more calm, cool, and collected (except when it deals with Lelouch!!!)
* Excellent job with Zero. You made it seem like he jumped out of the series and into your story. I also like him maturing with Enoch's help and becoming more of a man. He is a more likeable character in your story because he becomes more humble/less arrogant and has feelings now instead of being a cold, calculating (don't forget selfish) jerk. Remember, Lelouch did all that he did until the Zero Requiem so that HE could kill HIS father, not so that poeple would have better lives.
* And last but not least, Enoch is just the most awesome character ever!!!!
Thanks for writing.:cool2:
10-06-2010, 02:42 AM
I cant type or draw as well as Kodai-san. But i can still try, and now that i have free time i'm going to explain the weapons/stuff.
Shadowslayer's weapon tip is flat,and that part is guren-like.It triples as a powerful laser cannon, a energy lance, and a guren's arm.
Supportships hold knightmares.Other classes do too,but supports are based on knightmare holding(or MS)And they have only light weaponary.
Lakshidens are standard troops with a sword on left-hip,a cannon(Ballistic) on the left shoulder,a lance on the back and a laser gun with a standard shield.\
Xanxuses are more advanced heavy troops with a lance-gun ijn the right arm and a heavy shield, duel laser cannons on both shoulders and swords on both hips.
My men use Lakshidens and Exiled MS's.
Exiled are elite troops that normally form Cloud's personal troop. They have a sword on the right-hip and two small missile launchers for each shoulder,making four light-rocket launchers.They are armed with light armor upgraded wings and close-range shotguns with explosive lasers and a strong knife at the front.
10-06-2010, 02:56 AM
Now that i'm onto this,lemee explain Cloud's ship.
The name of the ship is Anaklusmos,greek for tiide that takes one by suprise.It can be disguised as a normal travel ship but has hidden weaponary.As for the Knightmares,peopel whould think its a light guard troop.
Arcon lasers are interception blasters,used to destroy nearby MS's and/or take out missile units.
Xen lasers are anti-ship and anti-MS long-range laser cannons.
Kel shields are a level of shield.If described in Kodai-san's it's efficency would be between the Golden Fleece shields and the Absolute Defence Territory.
Main cannon is heat-generated,so near useless in high-huminity areas.It is stronger than Hadron cannons(Much) But is rather weak near water.
Anti-ship missiles are just strong missiles that dig into hostile shields/hull and explode.Anti-MS are missiles that explode near to a target and send out a dozen smaller homing missiles.
(Please review more, i want feedback :D and dont worry about Cloud being to powerful-soon that will change)
Also, i made Cloud into a sort-of-like Enoch character, but in some ways completely different.
Kodai Okuda
10-15-2010, 05:41 PM
Just and update on Alpha and Omega:
Due to circumstances in Real Life (i.e. work, automobile, and coding the D30 RPG into HTML for this website) I'm behind on chapter 4 for Alpha and Omega.
It's about half way done and should be finished by this coming Sunday at the earliest or next wednesday at the latest.
Looks good so far, but you need to go back and check your English spelling.
I realize that English may be a second or third language for you, but some of your mistakes (especially with verbs) makes it difficult to understand what you are trying to say.
For Example (from Chapter 6):
Crewman:Barely any, sir!
Raika:Chagre the main cannon!
Crewman:Sir!10%...30%....50%....60%....80%....100% ...
Raika:Dont stop, continue!
Crewman:140% Ant moew and the ship will fall apart sir!
I assume that you meant to write "Charge the main cannon!" and "Any More..."
I had to reread that a few times to understand what you were trying to relay.
Please, there is no rush to post, take your time and try to get the spelling correct.
If you have trouble, post here in this thread and ask questions.
I'll help you with English if I can.
If not, LadyWarrior (who is way better at English than I am) might be willing to do so also if you ask her politely. :)
10-16-2010, 06:52 AM
Thank you for the feedback. And yes, it is my third language(First Korean, second Chinese)And i greatly appreiciate it. As for the rush job, i am piled up on homework but still wish to post, so i suppose i made some mistakes.
10-17-2010, 08:29 PM
In retrospect, I must confess I agree with you to a certain extent.
The horrors that Britannia put upon the Japanese people would certainly make a person of her character justified in their anger towards the oppressive state.
I agree that she needed a Moe Couplet (and definitely not Gino, I've changed my mind on that for good).
This is why I am in agreement with Rai (Arbitres) that the Lost Colors character Rai would have made a good pairing for Kallen.
He's not like Lelouch in that he's not weighed down by a Morality Pet, yet he is very much like Lelouch in his temperment and abilities.
It didn't help Kallen that Lelouch had a Morality Pet which I think is what interfered with Lelouch's ability to have a girlfriend, period (although I'm not so sure Okouchi meant for the story to be that way).
Kallen reminds me of an older Asuka Langley from NGE.
Since Taniguichi admitted that Geass was loosely inspired by NGE, it is possible that Kallen owes some of her character traits to Asuka.
Except that Asuka was a complete wreck of a human being, especially by the time she got mind raped.
I love it when you disagree.
Because you have this way of enlightening me on what I get wrong some of the time.
This time I do agree with you.
Again upon a second look I can see her reasons for being angry although in S1 she is portrayed as ready to kill any Britannian at any moment she needs to, which is understandable considering what Britannia would do to her if they knew she was a terrorist.
I agree that an Apologetic Attacker would have totally ruined Kallen as a character.
I like her from the standpoint of being a rebel with a cause that's fighting insurmountable odds.
What I don't like is this push to pair her with Lelouch.
I suppose it's because Kallen fell in love with the idea of Zero, not who or what Lelouch actually was, and R2 was so badly executed from a story standpoint that it's hard to see a reasonable relationship developing between them.
Her comforting Lelouch was no different then when CC did so after Lelouch killed Euphie.
Now, that's not to say one couldn't have developed, but due to the timeslot change and thus changes in the storyline, nothing substantial was established between them.
Only Shirley had any real romantic development with Lelouch in R2.
C.C. had about as much as Kallen did in R2 as well, with the unfinished business of her wish sort of flying out the window to usher in the Zero Requiem.
To me that's a pity because a love triangle between them would have made a nice shout-out to the older style of anime writing.
But the story is at it is, and our poor boy Lelouch perished a virgin with no Official Couple at the end because Taniguichi wanted us to "decide for ourselves."
Happy to be of service.
Actually, Kallen did find common ground in Lelouch in that they both were fighting against Britannia in memory of someone (Naoto for Kallen, and Marianne for Lelouch), and on behalf of beloved family members (Kallen fought for her mother and once again, for her brother's dream, and Lelouch fought for his sister, Nunnally), and were both Defectors from Decadence. So from those alone, there's plenty for Kallen to fall for Lelouch himself, and that's exactly why she found himself falling for him without the mask after she found out he was Zero.
Anyways, about the 1.0 thing for DoD, is that for potential re-edits or anything?
Kodai Okuda
10-17-2010, 11:21 PM
I meant that superficially Kallen and Asuka are similar.
They're both hot headed red-heads.
They're both mecha pilots.
Both have toubled relationships with their mothers.
Both have a guy they like that is very flawed (although Shinji is far more flawed than Lelouch in some ways).
Both survive at the end of their respective series.
Both are apart of a love triangle (or in Kallen's case a quadrangle).
There are differences of course, since there have to be for many reasons I shant get into.
As for Dirge of Daedalus.
The 1.0 means that the story is now edited for spelling, grammar, and style.
I do not intend on changing the storyline as I'm satisfied where it went and what it achieved.
The only thing I had considered was having Gino and Kallen be married at the begining of the story, but I dropped that idea after playing Lost Colors and getting introduced to Rai who I feel is a much better match for Kallen.
10-18-2010, 01:55 AM
Good point. The overall narrative of DoD is fine; there are just a few moments that are out of character, for instance.
10-23-2010, 03:59 AM
I want to say how much I enjoyed reading Chronicles of Tartarus. I liked how the first few chapters were kind of easygoing and then the main story got going more and more with each chapter until the later ones were all the continuation of your story (from Dirge of Daedalus).
I like Rai a lot, he's a very cool character. Love his geass and the way you incorporated songs into the story.
Cute idea with Lelouch's harem of women, especially the girls being his armor, shield, and sword. I liked your reason for why he "killed" himself in the series (because Shirley was dead). And I loved the dialogue with Enoch calling Kallen his number two honey - that's a great part.
I noticed a neat 3-way parallel in chapter 8 where you have Lelouch say "I'm coming, C2.", then Kallen says "You're not going without me, Lulu." and later about chasing after him "Then we had better get moving!", and then Shirley says "Hang on, Lelouch, I'm coming!" Those are all very similiar sentiments and it's cool because it happens to be those four characters involved (Lelouch and his harem)...But, it's too bad that you didn't have Kallen say "I'm coming" in some way because then I could have made a cheesy sexual comment here! Oh, well.:001_tt1:
Again, thanks for wiriting!!
Why the heck do some people (not many thankfully) have such a problem with Enoch?
I don't have a problem with Enoch, although the outward dislike for him may be because people find him ordinary or simply take-the-stage. Enoch seems like a character in his own right and I don't see the hate for him.
I have to admit though Kodai you should be abit more tact with those words. Don't be too opinionating or you'll come off as insulting.
Good luck Kodai.
Kodai Okuda
10-25-2010, 02:23 AM
Yeah I know I can be obnoxious when I get a bee in my bonnet over something. :blushing:
LadyWarrior says my "FU" to the critics was too harsh and it probably was.
If I offended you then you have my apologies.
Sometimes I just can't hide it when a particular thing makes my burns burn.
I was being hammered with PMs in my inbox about Enoch when I wrote that.
Apparently a whole new batch of readers at had just discovered my story and some of them got cranky about Enoch taking center stage over Lelouch.
I overreached, as I sometimes do, and I'm better now. :)
Thank you Rai for noticing that Enoch was intended to be ordinary, plain in fact, with a twist of awesome that only comes out when necessary.
In Dirge and Chronicles he's supposed to be the "Obin Wan" figure teaching and training Lelouch to be a better person since...well...we all know Lelouch has issues.
In Alpha and Omega he takes a "side-kick" position to Lelouch as Lelouch grows into a man.
10-25-2010, 04:46 AM
Well, Shirley's death was the first mortal blow. The betrayal was the final straw that made Lelouch resort to the Zero Requiem, as he felt he had nothing left to live for, as he felt practically abandoned. (Nunnally was presumed dead at that point.)
10-28-2010, 02:25 AM
I'm really sorry! I didnt post in forever! 'mester ending, tons of tests and i had to do a rush job on my essays, i had two weeks to do five, luckily got B's and A's on most...
Prime Administrator
10-28-2010, 07:09 AM
No worries CodeGeassAddict.
Semester finals are very difficult.
Focus on your studies.
By the Way, I read your latest chapters and loved them.
Keep up the good work.
Cloud is very interesting.
I like how he can disguise himself with a false skin, very nice touch. :)
10-28-2010, 03:57 PM
I like the term "Dimensional Outlaw"
I like Rai a lot, he's a very cool character. Love his geass and the way you incorporated songs into the story.
Rai is a very unique character, and after Kodai is done with the Dirge of Daedalus I'd love for him to do a story path centered around Rai.
Rai represents memories, whether they be good or bad.
I'm a fan of Rai's geass too, Kodai was certainly original on his take of it. (I've stated this numerously but I think it's worth mentioning again.)
we all know Lelouch has issues.
Well that was tactful.
I also have to ask you: In the most recent chapter of Alpha and Omega... Is this particuliar Thought Elevator the one Rai was linked (Well, more like 'imprisoned') to? If they are connected in similar ways like Geass Doors then I'd imagine you could use that as a deux Es Machina for everyone there to become aware of Rai's past.
Just a thought, since it popped up and I thought about it more.
Also, I can't wait for more battles. Specifically the large-scale kind. :) Good luck Kodai.
Kodai Okuda
11-01-2010, 04:56 AM
Loved the ballad Rai and the poem.
I enjoyed how well you describe the scene, the mood of it, and the subtle undertones of love between Rai and Kallen.
Very well done indeed.
You've totally sold me on Rai x Kallen.
They do make a perfect pair IMHO and I like that you introduced me to it.
Thank you for that. :)
I'm not familiar with Blazeblue, but your poem was excellent nonetheless.
Makes me want to check out the manga (anime?).
11-02-2010, 03:17 AM
I like your Code Geass fiction. If your aim was to set a mood, then I think you did that very well. It seems to describe two people who are completely comfortable with each other. I agree with Kodai that Kallen and Rai make a great pair, although I have to admit that I haven't played Lost Colors yet. I am basing my opinion on what people have told me about it and on Kodai's characterization of Rai in Dirge of Deadalus. The part that says he closed his eyes, possibly for the final time is intriguing - makes me wonder why you put that in there.
I also like your poem, but I have not seen the anime that you are referring to.
- LadyWarrior
Kodai Okuda
11-02-2010, 04:37 AM
Here's an update on Alpha and Omega.
I'm on page 2.
Yes I know that's horrible of me. :tongue:
However, I'm working on a new book cover for my Sci-Fi novel and getting it finalized.
There's also Chapter 8 of the RPG, and the dice roller in php code (not too mention dealing with all these darn spammers).
Thus I'm pretty busy right now.
I will try my hardest to have Chapter 5 of Alpha and Omega done by Sunday or Monday at the latest.
This next Chapter is called Blockade Runner and is going to have a great deal of combat in it.
Ahh, well actually, my poem isn't an anime or manga. Hakumen is from the 2D fighting game Blazblue. Although if Director Mori has his way, there will certainly be an anime of Blazblue out... for better or for worse.
I'm also flattered you all liked it.
although I have to admit that I haven't played Lost Colors yet.
Actually most of my stories require some pre-awareness of what happens in Lost Colors.
In Kuro no Kishidan, the route Cerulean Sunset is dedicated to, Rai over-used his geass during the famous massacre prevention, thus losing his ability to use his geass.
I'm sorry but I'm not really good at explaining, LadyWarrior. Maybe you could get Kodai to explain the events since my japanese skills are scarce at best.
This next Chapter is called Blockade Runner and is going to have a great deal of combat in it.
Take it steady, Kodai. No need to rush. Even though you do have something of a fanbase, you won't disappoint them. :p No pressure, right? Don't worry.
11-03-2010, 03:28 AM
Yay! I am finally putting Leolouch into the Fanfic! BTW, the Fanfiction section is turning more like into a Code Geass section now.Also, I am not very good at doing Leolouch, so feedback very much appreiciated!
Prime Administrator
11-26-2010, 01:56 AM
Yay! I am finally putting Leolouch into the Fanfic! BTW, the Fanfiction section is turning more like into a Code Geass section now.Also, I am not very good at doing Leolouch, so feedback very much appreiciated!
Don't worry, I'll give constructive feedback as much as I am able as you add Lelouch to your new chapters. :)
11-26-2010, 08:24 AM
I think Lelouch is confident just to the point of arrogance (but not actually being arrogant) and still very likeable as a person. He is never insulting to anyone else, but he won't let others stop him when he thinks he knows the best course of action to take.
Hope that helps.
12-11-2010, 08:06 PM
Been away for awhile, but on the bottom of the discussion page for the Pantheon over at TVTropes, I've placed a submission for Ohgi as God of Character Derailment under the Fallen subcategory:
Let me know what you think, and what changes could be made.
Prime Administrator
12-12-2010, 01:43 AM
I think you did an excellent job of decribing Ohgi (a la trope) to the proverbial "T".
The "Lesser God of Character Derailment" is perfect for Kamine Ohgi. :biggrin:
I cannot find any errors in your assesment of Kamine.
I'd say you covered all of the relevant information on his betrayal of Lelouch, his total state of being pussy-whipped, and unbelievable lack of honor for a Japanese national. ;)
If I can think of any further changes I'll let you know azul120, but you seem to done a fine job all around.
12-14-2010, 02:55 AM
Haha, thanks.
I'm just wondering if there's anything that could be better phrased or punned. (I think simply using "Judas" for the betrayal part of the portfolio is a little too general, and could be viewed as biased.)
Unfortunately, or fortunately perhaps, no replies as of yet.
I have, however, been caught in a bit of an edit war with someone else over Oghi and the ending on a couple of tropes.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 03:06 AM
Haha, thanks.
I'm just wondering if there's anything that could be better phrased or punned. (I think simply using "Judas" for the betrayal part of the portfolio is a little too general, and could be viewed as biased.)
Unfortunately, or fortunately perhaps, no replies as of yet.
I have, however, been caught in a bit of an edit war with someone else over Oghi and the ending on a couple of tropes.
The only pun I can think of that would fit Ohgi better than Judas would be Brutus, Lelouch is more of a Julius Caesar than a Jesus type, though the argument could be made that he fits both.
The betrayal by the Black Knights is akin to the senate stabbing Julius Caesar in the back in order to strip him of his power for their own purposes.
Judas betrayed Jesus to save his own skin.
The BKs wanted Japan as part of the deal with Schneizel, thus there was a political component that might fit the Julius Caesar scenario better than the Judas one.
Because of Ohgi, Lelouch did recieve an Et tu Brute ( moment.
Just a thought. :)
Congrats on moving up a rank BTW.
12-14-2010, 03:30 AM
Yep, Lelouch has already had the Et Tu Brute moment covered, between that and Suzaku turning him in to the Emperor for the KotR spot.
But yeah, come to think of it, that betrayal moment seems awfully reminiscent of the Ides of March with him out in the open, if not for the lack of a forewarning.
The thing is that Judas is a more commonly associated name with traitor, regardless of circumstances. Not to mention the whole thirty pieces of silver thing, with Japan being the proverbial silver. Though of course, Oghi, instead of being bribed, came up with the deal in order to escape guilt.
Looking past the assorted technicalities, I do think there may be a more apt and clever way to describe his form of traitordom (which is linked to Stool Pigeon, btw).
One general question, someone suggested that aside from Aki (who resembles Kallen to no small degree), the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise has another Ersatz in Supreme King Judai of GX, whose outfit they say bears a slight resemblance to Zero, a High Collar Of Doom, only with really spiky armor.
Oh, and thanks for the congrats, though it's a low rank upgrade!
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 03:47 AM
Hmmm, you've got me on this one.
Cassius is certainly not as well known as Brutus or Judas, but perhaps a more "modern" character. Like a Benedict Arnold for example, who actually sold out G. Washington to the British.
From Fictional characters I can think of a few--like Saruman from LOTR--that would fit, but I'm not sure that people would instantly recognize the character.
I'll have to think about this for awhile. :)
As for Ersatz, I googled the character to find out what he looks like (I'm too old for Yu-Gi-Oh :biggrin: , it's after my time).
Here's a line art image I found:
and a color image:
There are certainly some similarities in their colors, but outside of that I see nothing that resembles the Zero outfit.
12-14-2010, 03:59 AM
Ha ha ha. Ever heard of Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged, the gag dub of Yu-Gi-Oh? There's a joke where about this fangirl theory that the main antihero, Seto Kaiba, is "the lovechild of Light Yagami and Lelouch from Code Geass". (Kaiba, for the record, is another character with an orphan backstory and a younger sibling Morality Pet who later becomes well known as a taciturn Chessmaster, only he's a lot more dog eat dog, aside from the not caught in a war thing.)
Anyways, I was thinking of a non-name allegory for traitor if anything. Something that isn't too esoteric.
ETA: Maybe just Betrayer Barry.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 04:12 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. :ohmy:
I gotcha now.
Hmmm, maybe something like Backstabbing Buddy or Babe-Driven Betrayer?
I'm trying to capture Ougi in totality in my suggestions, thus Villetta will play a part in these names. :laugh:
I can see Light and Lelouch having a love-child, even though they both seem in love with themselves. :laugh:
12-14-2010, 04:42 AM
Well, YGO Abridged just does a lot of pop cultural references and parodies. Hence the Lelouch and Light references. (Heck, an early episode had a parody of the Evangelion opening.)
Babe-driven betrayer could work. Or trouser driven traitor, if I wanted to be vicious.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 04:50 AM
:biggrin: I like trouser-driven-traitor.
I also thought of Temptress-controlled Turncoat.
That one sort of lumps in Villetta as well...and I know how much you "like" Villetta. :laugh:
12-14-2010, 05:17 AM
Ah yes, the woman who led the man astray. I wonder if I will ever go through with that Revenge Fic idea.
12-14-2010, 06:26 AM
Uh...hmm...It takes two to tango, dears. :001_tt2:
He didn't need to let himself get lured into her heart-shaped tar pit trap.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 06:48 AM
Hey LadyWarrior, what would you call Ohgi with regard to his being led into--as you put it--Villetta's "heart-shaped tar pit" and eventually onwards to betray Lelouch because of her?
I'm fresh out of ideas, but I would like to help azul120 out.
Do you have suggestions? :)
12-14-2010, 07:24 AM
Come to think of it, it's funny what you said about Oghi lacking Japanese honor, because it seemed to be that kind of pride that kept Lelouch from telling the truth about many of his mistakes.
12-14-2010, 07:27 AM
Hey LadyWarrior, what would you call Ohgi with regard to his being led into--as you put it--Villetta's "heart-shaped tar pit" and eventually onwards to betray Lelouch because of her?
I'm fresh out of ideas, but I would like to help azul120 out.
Do you have suggestions? :)
Are you kidding? It used to take me two days to come up with a character name for D&D!!
How about a "quisling driven by his purple-headed womb broom"?
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 07:29 AM
Now that you mention it, that's quite true.
It is odd how Lelouch behaved in a manner more akin to a Daimyo then did any of the other Black Knights with the possible exception of Tohdoh.
Lelouch was driven by a sense of revenge and honor, to the point that he committed seppuku (or I guess Hari Kari since Suzaku carried it out) in the end to atone for his crimes to exact revenge.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 07:35 AM
Are you kidding? It used to take me two days to come up with a character name for D&D!!
How about a "quisling driven by his purple-headed womb broom"?
Hehehehe, or Bedroom Born Backstabber.
12-14-2010, 07:38 AM
Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to post in between your discussion. Maybe Prime will show me how to quote another post someday... :001_unsure:
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 07:42 AM
Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to post in between your discussion. Maybe Prime will show me how to quote another post someday... :001_unsure:
Use the "reply with quote" button on the bottom right of the post you wish to quote from. :wink:
12-14-2010, 07:43 AM
Or "poor sap seduced by the silk igloo".
But, seriously, I like Babe-driven Betrayer (simple) or Temptress-controlled Turncoat, although I am not totally sure what azul120 is after.
12-14-2010, 07:46 AM
Use the "reply with quote" button on the bottom right of the post you wish to quote from. :wink:
Thank you. :thumbup:
Although, I can't go back and fix the one I messed up. Story of my life!
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 07:50 AM
I'll fix it for you.
Is that what you wanted to quote?
12-14-2010, 07:54 AM
I'll fix it for you.
Is that what you wanted to quote?
Yes, thank you.
Now can you do that for several mistakes from my past IRL? :w00t:
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 07:55 AM
If I could do that I'd sell my services to the world and make a fortune!! :laugh:
12-14-2010, 08:06 AM
Now that you mention it, that's quite true.
It is odd how Lelouch behaved in a manner more akin to a Daimyo then did any of the other Black Knights with the possible exception of Tohdoh.
Lelouch was driven by a sense of revenge and honor, to the point that he committed seppuku (or I guess Hari Kari since Suzaku carried it out) in the end to atone for his crimes to exact revenge.
I wouldn't call it atonement since he seemingly wanted to die after everything he lost (and that he thought he'd lost Nunnally). I mean, the process involved him doing worse stuff than he had done before in the series. It only looked like seppuku.
Basically, he was running away from his problems, though you could only fault him so much for that, because he was still young, yet he had been through so much grief.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 08:18 AM
I wouldn't call it atonement since he seemingly wanted to die after everything he lost (and that he thought he'd lost Nunnally). I mean, the process involved him doing worse stuff than he had done before in the series. It only looked like seppuku.
Basically, he was running away from his problems, though you could only fault him so much for that, because he was still young, yet he had been through so much grief.
That's true, Lelouch was definitely beyond the Despair Event Horizon by the time he formulated the Zero Requiem.
Therefore, as you said, he chose to die to escape his pain more than out of honor.
I guess I hate the ending so much (the ZR) that I've chosen to supplant what actually happened with my own idea of Lelouch's motives.
Thanks for reminding me of what his reasons actually were.
12-14-2010, 09:14 AM
That's true, Lelouch was definitely beyond the Despair Event Horizon by the time he formulated the Zero Requiem.
Therefore, as you said, he chose to die to escape his pain more than out of honor.
I guess I hate the ending so much (the ZR) that I've chosen to supplant what actually happened with my own idea of Lelouch's motives.
Thanks for reminding me of what his reasons actually were.
* bows *
I think some of the dialogue in DoD doesn't reflect such a change, though I guess you didn't have it in mind at the time.
Prime Administrator
12-14-2010, 09:49 AM
* bows *
I think some of the dialogue in DoD doesn't reflect such a change, though I guess you didn't have it in mind at the time.
Actually in Dirge of Daedalus, Lelouch has already gotten beyond his despair due to his time spent in C's World with his father, mother, Clovis, and V2.
Not to mention the fact that he wasn't expecting to get resurrected by Eurayle, and steal her code.
With a second chance at life, and Enoch's guidance, Lelouch came to understand that the only way to try and change the world with a lasting effect was to face the tragedies, mistakes, and problems he had helped create and correct them in an active, rather than passive, manner.
Zero Requiem is a complete failure in DoD, thus Lelouch had to find a way to correct that major mistake.
In Chronicles, he grows even further, and learns to work as a team rather than always being in the lead position.
By the time of Alpha and Omega, he is a leader, not due to his Geass or manipulation of others, but because he has earned that position by becoming a warrior.
Lelouch of Alpha and Omega is what I envision a stronger, wiser, and more mature Lelouch from the anime would be like.
12-14-2010, 11:05 AM
I wasn't referring to the despair, but rather, that he still seemed to have perceived it at the time as a well-intentioned attempt at changing the world. He didn't acknowledge that he did it because he was at the end of his rope. He was still all "I did it for the world."
Prime Administrator
12-15-2010, 04:44 AM
Wasn't there something in one of the side materials that said he and Suzaku had to pay for killing their fathers?
I was under the impression that was the real reason Lelouch chose death.
12-15-2010, 08:02 AM
Wasn't there something in one of the side materials that said he and Suzaku had to pay for killing their fathers?
I was under the impression that was the real reason Lelouch chose death.
Well, I believe we decided there was also a lot of malarkey within that.
Lelouch's father deserved to die.
It was because Lelouch felt he had no one left. Shirley had been murdered, he was under the impression that Nunnally was consumed in the FLEIJA blast, the Black Knights turned on him, he had been forced to reject Kallen to spare her from going down with him, and to a lesser extent, there was also Rolo's death. All he was left with was a two other people who had also been seeking death, C. C. and Suzaku.
Prime Administrator
12-15-2010, 05:53 PM
Well, I believe we decided there was also a lot of malarkey within that.
Lelouch's father deserved to die.
It was because Lelouch felt he had no one left. Shirley had been murdered, he was under the impression that Nunnally was consumed in the FLEIJA blast, the Black Knights turned on him, he had been forced to reject Kallen to spare her from going down with him, and to a lesser extent, there was also Rolo's death. All he was left with was a two other people who had also been seeking death, C. C. and Suzaku.
I wouldn't say he was forced to reject Kallen.
It's not like they were lovers torn apart.
There's no evidence to support that.
I think it's obvious she was his friend, he just didn't want her to die with him, and that was because he wanted her to live her own life.
It's like when there's a girl that really likes you, but you don't like her, you let her down easy and tell her that you're just not the guy for her.
Also, CC didn't want to die.
Her wish was to be truly loved by one person due to the fact that her Geass made everybody love her falsely.
In episode 15 of R2 (C's World) we see this clearly.
So as we can clearly see in the anime, CC's true wish wasn't to die, it was too be loved.
Suzaku did want to die, that's a fact.
However, even he didn't want Lelouch to die, but Lelouch insisted.
I believe that was made clear in Okouchi's Mutuality Story:
Therefore, while it is clear that the ending of Code Geass (the Zero Requiem) was a bunch of malarkey, it is also clear that the ending was a jumbled mess.
As a writer, artist, and now publisher I can tell you that when you have a large number of people working on a project the story tends to get pulled in a multitude of directions.
Code Geass clearly suffers from this.
It is amazing that the show was as popular as it Kudos to Okouchi and Taniguichi for pulling it off as well as they did.
Prime Administrator
12-16-2010, 02:27 AM
This post is for LadyWarrior.
I thought you might like this AMV.
No idea who the singer is, but the song is quite nice.
Oh, and for anyone wondering about my personal feelings on the Romantic/love life of Lelouch.
This image tells it all :biggrin:
Yeah, I know...the harem is not even close to "canon" but I can still dream. :)
12-16-2010, 06:36 AM
I wouldn't say he was forced to reject Kallen.
It's not like they were lovers torn apart.
There's no evidence to support that.
I think it's obvious she was his friend, he just didn't want her to die with him, and that was because he wanted her to live her own life.
It's like when there's a girl that really likes you, but you don't like her, you let her down easy and tell her that you're just not the guy for her.
Also, CC didn't want to die.
Her wish was to be truly loved by one person due to the fact that her Geass made everybody love her falsely.
In episode 15 of R2 (C's World) we see this clearly.
So as we can clearly see in the anime, CC's true wish wasn't to die, it was too be loved.
Suzaku did want to die, that's a fact.
However, even he didn't want Lelouch to die, but Lelouch insisted.
I believe that was made clear in Okouchi's Mutuality Story:
Therefore, while it is clear that the ending of Code Geass (the Zero Requiem) was a bunch of malarkey, it is also clear that the ending was a jumbled mess.
As a writer, artist, and now publisher I can tell you that when you have a large number of people working on a project the story tends to get pulled in a multitude of directions.
Code Geass clearly suffers from this.
It is amazing that the show was as popular as it Kudos to Okouchi and Taniguichi for pulling it off as well as they did.
Sorry if I hadn't been clear enough. Lelouch had been forced to reject Kallen the moment the Black Knights put the both of them at gunpoint on suspicion that Lelouch geassed her into obedience. And of course, since she remained fiercely loyal to him, and he saw no future for himself, Lelouch had to turn Kallen away to spare her.
As for C. C., while it's true that she no longer wanted to die, I think what I'm trying to say is that she had lived for so long with no real place in the world, and as such, she neither provided any real inspiration or demand towards Lelouch to remain alive for him.
And I wasn't disputing that Suzaku didn't want Lelouch to die, but rather that he supposedly claimed that his death was punishment for killing Charles. Which of course is laughable.
Prime Administrator
12-16-2010, 08:36 AM
Oh I got your meaning now I think.
Basically, what you're saying has nothing to do with love or romantic sentiment.
You're saying (if I understand you correctly) that because Lelouch knew how loyal Kallen was to him, and he didn't want anyone else to die due to him, he severed ties with her to keep the Black Knights from killing her.
If that's what Okouchi was trying to convey, he did a really bad job of it IMHO.
I agree with Ami Koshimizu (the VA for Kallen), the kiss between Lelouch and Kallen was unnecessary to convey him ending their friendship.
Ms. Koshimizu stated in Animedia Jan issue of 2009 that she was taken "off guard" when she was told her character was going to kiss Lelouch.
I can see why.
As a side note I thought I should say that I really do like Kallen very much as a character.
However, if the intent of Okouchi was to make Lelouch love her than by God, why the hell didn't he just go ahead and do it.
It's frustrating when we are given all this love between CC, Shirley, Kallen, and Lelouch and then we aren't given an official pairing.
I know that the Japanese do this a lot in their story telling styles, but in Code Geass I think they were just trolling us the whole time.
Kodai Okuda
12-17-2010, 07:48 AM
Alpha and Omega update.
I'm currently on the 7th page of Chapter six (chapters are 10-12 pages max).
I hope to have it up for you ladies and gents by Sunday.
12-21-2010, 12:44 AM
Thanks for the update.
BTW, how come Lelouch is still getting overconfident in combat? Is it his code or something? Or just that he's still a bit of a novice?
Caught in a debate over at animesuki of whether Lelouch deserved his end in the series for his lies, heh heh heh.
ETA: I've figured it out! The title font is a Manegrim variant.
Kodai Okuda
12-21-2010, 02:44 AM
Thanks for the update.
BTW, how come Lelouch is still getting overconfident in combat? Is it his code or something? Or just that he's still a bit of a novice?
Caught in a debate over at animesuki of whether Lelouch deserved his end in the series for his lies, heh heh heh.
ETA: I've figured it out! The title font is a Manegrim variant.
I'm sorry azul120 but I cannot answer your question without spoiling too much of the plot.
All I can do is ask you a question in order to give you a hint.
Was there any way that the Kaminejima could have escaped thousands of Babylonian warships if Ishtar didn't get what she wanted?
As to the argument on animesuki.
I saw that.
Geez, you and Sol Failing are having quite a bit of a debate over there.
I posted some of my thoughts on it, not sure if they'll help or not, but I shared what I really feel about the ZR.
Thanks for finding out the font type.
Now I'll have to find out where I can download it to make the necessary changed in Photoshop. :)
Kodai Okuda
01-24-2011, 05:21 AM
Just an update on Chapter 7.
I've been working on it and am over half way finished.
However, as usual my life is a mess (automotive problems), and thus I haven't had time to get to finishing this chapter as quickly as I would like.
Guess I'm now as bad as the manga.
We've been waiting for that since November.:biggrin:
I hope to have Chapter seven up sometime in February (or sooner if I can).
Until then please be patient.
01-25-2011, 06:15 AM
Well keep at it. We can wait.
I've been totally spoiled by various fanfics, my own observations, and my resulting expectations so much that I cannot look back at the original without any sort of disgust.
You aren't the only one Azul.
The original pales in comparison to some of the more thought out fanfictions I've read. Even if they may contain one or two more fixer sues to make certain pairings more canon - I still prefer them over R2.
All and all I could probably imagine people going to great lengths to surpass R2. Too bad though, since if you deconstruct it it's actually pretty generic.
01-30-2011, 10:20 AM
Yeah, precisely.
In other news, I filed Ohgi under the Fallen subcategory of the Pantheon as God of Love Induced Stupidity.
Yeah, precisely.
In other news, I filed Ohgi under the Fallen subcategory of the Pantheon as God of Love Induced Stupidity.
I feel mostly bad for the Ohgi fans, because by the end of R2 he was nothing but a derailed pompadour. Ensemble Darkhorse or no, he hasn't gotten that much popularity since then.
By the way Azul, could you help me expand the TvTropes for Rai? A general outlook can come to mind if you read through Eternal Dreamer's translations. (I haven't done it recently.)
Kodai Okuda
03-10-2011, 08:04 AM
Just a heads up for everybody.
I'm on the 7th page of Chapter 7 for Alpha and Omega.
I should be done by the end of this week if all goes well.
Real life has been extremely hectic over the last six months and hasn't let up yet.
Hopfully this spring I can get back to a regular writing schedule for Alpha and Omega. :)
04-03-2011, 06:47 PM
Im so excited to know what will happen in next chapter of CG Alpha and Omega :) ^_^
Kodai Okuda
04-04-2011, 02:26 AM
Welcome to the forum carlocmedina.
You'll have to wait a few weeks before I get the next chapter out. :)
Until then, enjoy the forum.
04-12-2011, 12:35 PM
I hope it will be finished soon. :)
Kodai Okuda
04-13-2011, 03:57 PM
It's gonna be a while.
I haven't been able to write much of anything for chapter 8 lately since I've had to work on my girlfriend's jeep.
It needed a new radiator, motor mounts, and ignition wiring system.
Thus, the ol Cherokee is keeping me busy on the weekends, and that's when I do most of my writing normally.
I should be able to get some writing done this weekend, but there's no way I'll finish the chapter.
04-27-2011, 05:16 PM
Hope it's coming along well.
Just realized Goro Taniguchi did the storyboard for the latest episode of the new Yugioh series.
Going from obtuse sociopolitical sci-fi to "children's card games". Yeah.
Wing Zero Alpha
05-04-2011, 12:58 PM
Is that any different from Toru Furuya going from a whiny, autistic kid pilot of a state of the art mecha to a tux and rose obsessed bishounen to an ambiguous gendered sociopath that attempts to somehow emulate the spirit of the former?
Kodai Okuda
05-23-2011, 05:45 AM
Here's an update on Chapter 8 of Alpha and Omega:
I wrote six pages of this chapter this weekend and now have to stop.
That makes a total of 8 pages of chapter 8 of Alpha and Omega being finished thus far.
This chapter will most likely go 10 pages total in Word, so I expect to have it done by Wednesday if all goes well. :)
06-12-2011, 03:57 PM
new to online forums =(
I love what you have done with this story. you have expanded the power of Geass and placed a possible explanation on it. the characters have grown over the course of the three stories, making them as adorable as in the original anime. Great use of Terra Firma myths to explain away the other space-faring civs.
For the space-capable KNFs, am I right to picture them as similar to the Valkyries fighters from Roboteck (that anime with the SDF Macross)?
I like that you merged several of the different CG story lines (Irregulars from Nightmare of Nunnaly). Kallen should really admit that she likes the Kai(?) guy.
I loved that you brought back Euphy! she is high on my list of anime characters that shouldn't have died (I don't know about the validity of my list, because the clumsy chick from Elfen Lied (e1) in no. 9. I mean COME ON! you insert a character for comic relief and kill her off less than 30 min later!!) Well its great that Suzaku and Euphy are back together.
keep writing, and I'll keep reading. As they say in theater, "break a leg"
Kodai Okuda
06-12-2011, 05:52 PM
Welcome to the forums Cpt_Paran. :)
Thank you very much for the kind words of encouragement.
I'm happy that you're enjoying my Code Geass story.
I work on Alpha and Omega as much as I am able, but these days time is scarce.
I'll be working on Chapter 9 today.
Hopefully I can get the next Chapter to all of you by the end of June, but no promises. :(
I actually based the transformable designs on Gundam rather than Robotech.
While I like Robotech, it went in a different direction with regard to the mission/design-concept of variable fighters than did Gundam.
In Gundam the VFs were designed to fight against other Mobile Suits and gain the speed and maneuverability advantage of a core-fighter or spacefighter.
In Robotech the VFs were originally designed to fight the Zentraedi (it's confusing because Harmony Gold USA bought the US broadcasting-rights to the original TV show of Macross back in the 1980s when they made Robotech).
Then the VFs became Tanks in Southern Cross (VHT variable hover tanks, which were intended to fight the bioroids, Southern Cross Cavalry was actually a separate TV show from Macross as well).
Finally, the VFs from Mospeada (the third TV show used in the amalgamation that was Robotech) were intended as "dive-fighters" meaning that they were launched in space and then entered the atmosphere directly (without a dropship) as a fighter. Their transformation capability was intended to allow Destroid/Battlerobots to drop from space and do battle with the Inbids(original name, Robotech name is Invid) on Earth.
Since Code Geass treats their mecha much in the same way that Gundam does, I thought it best to use the concept behind the Zeta-Gundam rather than those of Macross.
Here's a pick of the normal Zeta:
Although the stylish look of my KnightMare Frames and Greek Automatos was taken from Gundam Wing:
Thank you again for reading, I'm glad you like the story.
Kodai Okuda
06-14-2011, 06:45 AM
Excellent side story azul120!
Loved the part where Suzaku verbally rips Ohgi for betraying Lelouch.
You portrayed all three of them very well, and the punishment of having Villetta and Ohgi's child taken from them is excellent IMHO.
By Kallen no less, who certainly deserved a family of her own considering what happened with her mother and real father.
Great job I enjoyed the read very much. :)
06-14-2011, 06:48 AM
Thanks. Any advice though? It's a rough draft. Most of the blocking isn't there, and I haven't decided upon the setting. I didn't know what dialogue to give Ohgi and Villetta, either.
I just don't want this to be slanted. Think I should crosspost this over at animesuki?
Kodai Okuda
06-14-2011, 06:55 AM
I don't see why not?
The ladies and gents at animesuki (at least in the CG thread) seem mature enough not to beat you up over it.
As for the setting...hmmm, I pictured it someplace formal, like Ohgi's official office or the like.
A place similar to Lelouch's quarters on the Ikaruga or his quarters in the Chinese Embassy in R2.
Not sure why, but it seemed like the best kind of setting for Suzaku to be chewing them out with Jeremiah in the background.
A place where Villetta and Ohgi would normally feel safe, but Zerozaku would have access.
I think your method of making Villetta and Ohgi have little to no dialogue helps with the atmosphere of their being shocked by what Suzaku is saying.
But that's just my opinion.
06-14-2011, 07:12 AM
BTW, in the Alpha and the Omega, are the other characters going to learn that Lelouch lost his Code, and then possibly chew him out for being reckless?
Kodai Okuda
06-14-2011, 07:14 AM
Haven't decided yet.
I'm currently working on Chapter 9's outline which deals more with the Irregulars, Count Amontillado, Lysandra, and characters outside of Lelouch, CC, and Enoch since they returned to Earth secretly during the timeskip between 8 and 9 (about two months, March to May).
06-14-2011, 08:25 PM
now I have a much clearer image of what your KMFs are like.
Cant believe i didnt see more of the gundam references the first time (Char's mech)
5 min now is better than an hour, later on.
Prime Administrator
06-21-2011, 05:27 PM
The main similarity to Macross in the whole DoD (Dirge of Daedalus) trilogy is the extention into space by mankind being exposed to alien (in this case Greek) technologies.
That element (alien tech) already existed in the anime via the Sword of Akasha and C's World.
The last major influence on the trilogy will be evident after Stage 26 of Alpha and Omega.
I can assure you of that. :)
06-22-2011, 07:25 PM
It would be sweet to slip an Omega-Class ship into Enoch's museum of starships. Read up what Foundation imaging said about them on wiki.
Prime Administrator
06-27-2011, 04:15 PM
The Omega-Class is pretty sweet.
However, Enoch's travels haven't taken him to the Babylon-5 universe(s).
Primarily because I've not yet watched B5.
I'm very behind on my TV shows (still haven't gotten past the 90's yet :p )
06-29-2011, 11:25 PM
How big is your proverbial backlog then? :P
BTW, been thinking about writing a letter to Okouchi and Tanaguchi about my two cents on the final stretch of Code Geass. What say you on the matter?
In the meantime, preparing for the voice competition at AX Idol this weekend at Anime Expo.
Prime Administrator
06-30-2011, 04:19 AM
Oh my.
My backlog is years long.
I still need to watch Babylon 5, X-files (only on episode 10 of the first season, "Fallen Angel."
I've got a LONG way to go.
I think if anyone can give Okouchi and Tanaguchi a concise and accurate critique of the Zero Requiem, it is probably you azul120.
You know Geass better than most fans IMHO, and you're not bias about it in any manner that I've seen.
Have fun at the Anime Expo.
Wish I could go.
I haven't been to a convention in over a decade, I'm very jealous of you azul120 :)
07-18-2011, 03:43 AM
SOMEBODY TELL ME THAT THIS IS NOT FAKE OR I AM GOING TO....Well I don't know what I am going to do,but I know I will faint if it is real!
Seeing how we get new people on to this project (especially people from those popular anime's) this is going to be a wonderful thing. Though I hope they don't bring Lelouch back (I'd be lying if I wasn't hope just a little for him to show up).
07-18-2011, 06:12 AM
The new series takes place circa the Black Rebellion.
BTW Kodai, I remembered you didn't initially see the reasons for the Ohgi/Villetta hate via one of your earlier posts on animesuki, haha.
Couldn't help but leave a review of a just posted fanfiction of Cornelia's faction circa the staged execution.
Kodai Okuda
07-19-2011, 01:08 AM
You are correct sir. :)
I didn't see it as bad the first time I watched the series because I was so immersed in what Lelouch was doing.
Once I got back the initial "Wow" factor of the series and watched it a few times, it became increasingly clear just how treacherous Ougi was.
Villetta I can almost give a pass too because she was portrayed as a diabolical bitch from the begining.
07-19-2011, 01:25 AM
Well, not diabolical so much as selfish and deceptive. I too didn't pay her as much mind until I had a little more time to view the chain of events in retrospect. Still, I remember she already got her share of hate, along with Ohgi, following the betrayal.
Still, I wouldn't mind seeing a CLAMP style artwork of her as a succubus, lol.
Plus, this is practically her theme song:
Kodai Okuda
07-19-2011, 01:38 AM
Yes, "Poison" is definitely her song. :biggrin:
She'd make a very convincing succubus...seriously.
Villetta sucked the honor, sense, and loyalty right out of Ougi, so I can see a series revolving around a character based on her CLAMP style.
08-18-2011, 09:23 PM
You mean about a character who, in the midst of a rebellion, seeks a better life, even though she's on the side of the oppressors, and will go through almost any means necessary? I can definitely see Villetta as succubus being invoked there, haha.
Didn't she tell Ohgi that she was part of the OSI watching over Lelouch right before the betrayal? If he didn't object, then he's an even bigger tool and hypocrite than I thought.
Oh, and here's a link of how I view Ohgi:
Prime Administrator
08-19-2011, 05:48 AM
Whenever I hear this song I think of Ougi...I don't know why. :biggrin:
He's so pussywhipped its sick!
And this makes me think of Tamaki: :laugh:
08-19-2011, 07:22 AM
Heh heh heh.
More to the point, the metaphor I was driving at was basically Leno bumping Conan from the Tonight Show, which I thought paralleled, to a frightening degree, Ohgi's responsibility for Lelouch getting screwed over, and getting the happy ending instead. Infact, when Leno returned to the Tonight Show, the ending of Code Geass was one of the first things I thought of, and I subsequently hated it even more.
Kodai Okuda
08-21-2011, 02:16 AM
I agree.
Ougi did screw over Lelouch for a piece of arse IMHO.
While Lelouch was a jerk as well (just rewatched "Bloodstained Euphie" again), in his own way, he never took it out on the Black Knights.
For all the times he used them like pawns, he did save their bacon more.
The fact that he was only using them isn't nearly as bad as them betraying him IMO.
They were all adults who were willingly fighting againt Britannia.
Without Lelouch they would have died in Shinjiku ghetto, so they were only alive due to him anyway.
Tohdoh and the Four Holy Swords are another matter entirely.
They never trusted Zero/Lelouch from the begining, so I can see them betraying him in the end, but not Ougi and the others.
08-21-2011, 06:15 AM
And at the very least Lelouch tended to have a sense of remorse when he knew he screwed up. Euphie? Never lived it down, and took full responsibility for it, rather than use the excuse that his Geass went out of control. (Which would have debunked the False Flag Operation myth, and possibly kept Schneizel from turning everyone on him.)
Plus, there was a mutual agreement that they were using Lelouch as well.
In the end, I cannot see how this was a good end, or that Lelouch was doing the right thing, let alone properly atoning. I mean, it's completely glossed over that he's doing more damage with the Requiem than he did with the rebellion. Any explanation other than insanity is pure nonsense, and there's nothing to prove he doesn't have other options.
Now, in a continuation of the storyline, such as yours, they could realize the error of their ways and redeem themselves. Until then though, I have no choice but to hold Ohgi and Villetta in particular in contempt.
P. S. I guess you're not familiar with the Leno/Conan thing, but the Leno defense force is so similar to the Ohgi defense force it's scary.
Prime Administrator
08-21-2011, 06:33 AM
Can't say I'm familiar with the Leno/Conan thing.
LadyWarrior might be, she likes Leno.
However, what you said is so true.
There is no way to explain Lelouch's actions in the Zero Requiem as anything but either a total scam (meaning he really didn't kill all those people) or total insanity.
Also, if Mr. I don't want anyone else to get hurt Suzaku was true to his belief in making Lelouch become a hero, WTF happened?
How is killing more innocent people going to wash away the death of Euphie or the evil that Lelouch accidentally committed?
What were Taniguichi and Okouchi thinking?
They should have had Lelouch go down as a real hero and save the world from either Schneizel or Charles.
I know I sound like a broken record about this, but it really was A MISSED MOMENT OF AWESOME ( wesome).
Even in my story, I still had Tohdou acting like he did in the series, albeit a bit older and wiser.
08-22-2011, 04:51 AM
In your story, Tohdoh seemed a little more jaded and stubborn, to the point that he put Japan first.
Prime Administrator
08-22-2011, 04:57 AM
Yes, that is how I tried to make him.
He seemed GungHo for Japan throughout the series, and I tried to maintain that attitude throughout my story.
He will make an appearance in Alpha and Omega.
Though I won't spoil when. :)
08-25-2011, 10:59 PM
I see.
Chiba, from that one moment, seemed rueful over what happened, though it wasn't clear she was regretting it.
BTW, what do you think of Guilford? He gets a lot of sympathy, even though he was one of Cornelia's right hand men, and had a part in a couple of Britannia's more repressive acts. (He suggested killing the protestors at the second SAZ IIRC.) And he's seen as the victim when Lelouch has him geassed, even though it was more of a failsafe. (It did suck that he thought he was tricked into believing he was obeying Cornelia, and then got engulfed in the FLEIJA blast.)
Prime Administrator
08-27-2011, 03:21 AM
I think Guilford was simply a patriotic man doing what he thought was right.
Everything he knew he learned from his Britannian upbringing.
Because of that I give him a pass.
Killing isn't always evil IMO, murder is, but killing is not.
Guilford never struck me as a murderer, unlike Bradley who clearly enjoyed killing "numbers" for the sheer pleasure it gave him.
08-27-2011, 11:16 PM
I agree that he was a patriot. Just not necessarily a samaritan, as some people seem to paint him, and that Lelouch geassing him was a Kick the Dog moment, even though it was out of necessity.
Prime Administrator
08-28-2011, 12:37 AM
Yeah but in all honesty, Guilford was a dog that derserved to be kicked the way Lelouch did it.
GP Guilford was too loyal to Cornelia, although I guess it can be argued that he was in love with her...which is nice for Cornelia especially after Euphie's demise. :)
08-30-2011, 02:29 AM
Yeah but in all honesty, Guilford was a dog that derserved to be kicked the way Lelouch did it.
GP Guilford was too loyal to Cornelia, although I guess it can be argued that he was in love with her...which is nice for Cornelia especially after Euphie's demise. :)
Though of course, Cornelia didn't deserve it really after what she'd done and never atoned for.
That some people will argue that Guilford was her reward for what she'd been through, while Lelouch got what he deserved in the end is nothing short of cognitive dissonance. But you could probably guess I was going to say that anyways, lol.
Prime Administrator
08-30-2011, 07:35 AM
She was sexy, and you know that in anime the sexy chick always gets a pass...especially if she looks like this. :laugh:
Even thought her ego made it to where CLAMP should have drew her like this :biggrin:
08-30-2011, 08:04 AM
High Collar of DOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prime Administrator
08-31-2011, 04:08 AM
And Master KMF-smith as well. :laugh:
That was her "Captain Kirk" moment a la when Jim makes a blunderbuss out of bamboo to kill the Gorn.
08-31-2011, 06:10 AM
Haha, that too.
What's sad is that they failed to make her sympathetic. She made no effort to identify with Lelouch's plight in canon, or reflect where she went wrong. In fanfics I've seen her come across better.
BTW, writing that letter to the creators right now. Would you mind proofreading it after I finish typing it up?
Prime Administrator
08-31-2011, 06:32 AM
I wouldn't mind at all.
In fact, if you don't mind I'll beg LadyWarrior to use her grammatical expertise to give it a once over.
Assuming she agrees to it.
Othewise, you'll have to trust my skills...which pale in comparison to hers. :p
08-31-2011, 09:12 AM
ETA: Nevermind, just split it between three parts.
Prime Administrator
09-01-2011, 05:01 AM
Wow, you had a lot to say. :laugh:
I've edited through it the best I am able azul120.
I'm going to attach it here for you to download as a PDF file.
I made quite a few suggestions/"corrections" to your letter as per your request to help you.
10-05-2011, 11:25 AM
Thanks for the input. Been a little busy in the meantime.
Anyways, guess I should have known this might happen:
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