Quote Originally Posted by Prime Administrator View Post
Yep that's the whole story.
That is the dumbest story I have EVER read, even if it is supposed to be a parody.

Here is the original Mary Stu litmus test written by a blogger who actually has the gaul to call himself Doctor Merlin.


Superman gets a 73 on this test, Merlin ranks up at 65, Jesus gets a whopping 110, and Enoch gets a 106 (not my Enoch, the one from the Book of Enoch).
This term has got to go.
Critics are probably the most annoying creatures on Earth (after banksters and lawyers of course). Why do they feel the need to make up stupid shit to criticize others' writing...oh, I know, they don't have a clue how to write an entertaining story themselves, so they have to rag on everyone else to make themselves feel better. I think Stephen King said it best when he said "F**K critics".

I say this because supposedly "professional" literary critics and writers are now using the term.
And how in the hell is Wesley Crusher a Marty Stu? That doesn't even make sense.